Low Budget Loans Review
Quick overview
- Amount: R1.000 - R3.000
- Term: 3 - 6 months
- Age: 18 + years:
Low Budget Loans table of repayments
Amount | Fee | Total payment | Term |
R1.000 | R399.610 | R1.399.610 | 3 months |
R2.000 | 639.85 | R2.639.85 | 4 months |
R3.000 | R1.007.99 | R4.007.99 | 6 months |
A representative example
If you will get the loan of R500 with the term of 3 months, your totally payment would be R1.399.610. The fee is R399.610.
Low Budget Loans experience and discussion
Low Budget Loans experiences
Tell us your experience with Low Budget Loans at info@coolfinance.co.za and we will publish it anonymously into our discussion.
Is Low Budget Loans a scam?
No. The product is absolutely fine and no need to worry about anything hidden. The company Low Budget Loans really provides these loans.

Lincoln Ndirangu is a professional freelance web copywriter based in Nairobi, Kenya. For over 7 years, writing for the web and engaging the online audience has been primary focus and passion.More information...